025, David Reiling, Sunrise Banks | Empowering Underserved Communities
According to Sunrise Banks’ CEO David Reiling, “The culture of Sunrise Banks is all about mission and innovation.” If you pull his statement apart, you’ll notice three components: culture, mission and innovation. These are the magic ingredients that have allowed Sunrise Banks to be recognized as “Best for the World” company.
Sunrise Banks has been recognized on many levels for their purpose-driven innovation. They are a certified Benefit Corporation (BCorp). Their parent company was one of the first Minnesota Public Benefit Corporations. And, they are a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), one of only 100 banks in the US.
They focus on underserved communities. More than 60% of Sunrise Banks’ loans are in low to moderate income communities every year. On the other side of the equation, they provide a socially responsible deposit fund. They also have innovative programs for the unbanked and for people who traditionally would be trapped by predatory loan practices.
- Five Key Traits of Successful Social Entrepreneurs: http://tonyloyd.com/socent
- Sunrise Banks: https://www.sunrisebanks.com
- Sunrise Banks’ Socially Responsible Deposit Fund: https://www.sunrisebanks.com/srdf
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SunriseBanks
- Sunrise Banks on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SunriseBanks
- David Reiling on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReilingDavid
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SunriseBanks
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/957063
Also Mentioned in this Episode:
- Benefit Corporations (BCorp and B-Lab): https://www.bcorporation.net
- Star Tribune article on Minnesota Public Benefit Corporations: http://www.startribune.com/public-benefit-corporations-a-new-option-for-minnesota-companies-that-do-good/291104881
- Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_development_financial_institution
- Minnesota Keystone Program: http://www.minneapolischamber.org/pages/MinnesotaKeystone