042, Neetal Parekh, Innov8social | An Easy Button for Social Impact
Social impact expert Neetal Parekh was born in Oklahoma City. Her parents had immigrated from India. She and her family moved frequently, about 20 times in 20 years. When Neetal and her family visited their family in India, she observed the gap between wealth and abject poverty. Even as a child, she thought about how she could close that gap – to make an impact.
Neetal trained as an attorney and, as part of her job, she wrote blogs about changes in law. In 2011, California proposed two pieces of legislation that allowed for-profit companies to pursue social impact while reducing the threat of legal action from activist shareholders.
Neetal was so moved by this concept of social impact companies, she started blogging at Innov8Social.com. Today, Innov8social is an online platform, an easy button for anyone who is trying to engage in social impact. They do that through a web site, blog, podcast, a book, online courses and other resources.
Social Entrepreneurship Quotes from Neetal Parekh:
“What’s been amazing is moving to Silicon Valley and seeing these entrepreneurs thinking about ‘how can we use this rocket ship of business to create social impact.”
“How do we use all of these hours that we work and align with our intent to improve the world that we live in?”
“When you move a lot, you have roots in different countries and different places; I think you start to see the world with a different lens.”
“I lost my mom to cancer in my last year of graduate school. I think when you go through something like that, it just shifts this idea that, all of our days are super limited. Whatever we have to give or collaborate, that’s what’s going to potentially continue.”
“Engage in whichever way you can.”
“What is the way I want to create social impact in my life, in my work, in my career? Put that in a sentence.”
“One day we won’t even use the phrase social entrepreneurship because it will be part of entrepreneurship.”
“I don’t think we realize our potential to create an impact, and the collective impact we can have together.”
#GoAndDo Tweet Challenge!
How do you want to create social impact: in your life, in your work or in your career? Tweet your answer to this question using the hashtag #GoAndDo. I’m going to be watching twitter for this hashtag. You and your tweet could be mentioned in a future episode of Social Entrepreneur.
Social Entrepreneurship Resources:
- Book: 51 Questions on Social Entrepreneurship: Social Impact Through Business, An Actionable Q&A: http://amzn.to/1Rfhh47
- Udemy Course: 8 Things Everyone Should Know About Social Entrepreneurship:
- The Impact Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/innov8social-podcast-impact/id1052370582
- Innov8Social: http://www.innov8social.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/innov8social
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/innov8social
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/innov8social
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/waiting628
- Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Innov8social
- eBook: Five Key Traits of Successful Social Entrepreneurs: http://tonyloyd.com/socent
- Try Audible and Receive Two Free Audiobooks: http://tonyloyd.com/books
Fair Anita Quote Giveaway Announcement!
Remember that we’re still giving away a pair of earrings from Fair Anita. The giveaway ends February 15, 2016. Click here for details.