135, Gillian Caldwell, Global Witness | The Link Between Natural Resources, Conflict and Corruption
Global Witness investigates and exposes natural resource exploitation around the world.
Have you ever wondered why many of the countries that are richest in natural resources, have some of the poorest populations? Countries that are rich in gems, minerals and other natural resources also have persistent poverty. In many cases, this is due to corruption and human rights abuses.
How do you break the chain of corruption and abuse? First, it must be exposed. That is what Global Witness does. They document abuses of environmental and human rights. They work for justice for the exploited and they hold the powerful to account.
Gillian Caldwell has been thinking about social justice and natural resources since she was in high school, where she was a chapter coordinator for Amnesty International. Before joining Global Witness, she was CEO for 1Sky where she took on climate change. She was also the Executive Director for WITNESS, a platform for documenting violations of human rights.
Social Entrepreneurship Quotes from Gillian Caldwell
“Global Witness was one of the first organizations to understand the relationship between natural resource exploitation and environmental and human rights abuse.”
“Our work looks at Western enablers of corruption that help impoverish nation states by depriving them of the wealth that their natural resources should be able to generate.”
“My teachers were very influential for me.”
“From an early age I was thinking in very broad terms about the world around me and what difference I could make in it.”
“The process is as important as the destination.”
“In an increasingly interconnected world, there is no such thing as an exclusively national concern.”
“We just don’t have the luxury to see those problems in separate compartments any longer.”
“Some of the most resource rich countries in the world are dealing with grinding poverty, environmental and human rights abuse and corruption.”
“Too often companies are shielded and the money itself is shielded by the existence of so-called anonymous companies.”
“Tune in to what moves and motivates you.”
“Personal sustainability is key.”
“This is a marathon and not a sprint.”
“The only change that’s meaningful in the world is change that happens through partnerships and collaboration.”
“There’s room for people who are passionate enough to chart their own course.”
Social Entrepreneurship Resources:
- Global Witness: https://globalwitness.org
- Global Witness on Twitter: https://twitter.com/global_witness
- Global Witness on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalWitness
- Global Witness on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/GlobalWitness